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Procuring Potable Water for Projects

Contact Seeley County Water District at (760) 352-6612 extension 0041 or email at 

Steps for Procuring Potable Water for Projects INSIDE Seeley's Service Area 
  1.  Contact Seeley County Water District (SCWD): 
    •  Reach out via phone or email.
  2. Complete and Return Application Forms 1 & 2 :
    •   Fill out and return the required application forms.
  3.   Pay Associated Deposits and Fees:
    •  Submit payment for any required deposits and fees.
  4.  Water Meter Installation:
    •  Once forms are processed and fees are paid, arrangements will be made  for the installation of the water meter at the designated hydrant.

Usage and Billing

  1.  Water Usage Charge: $ Cost per 1,000 gallons.
  2.  Billing: Usage charges will be billed according to SCWD's standard billing practices.
  3. Processing Time: Contact SCWD for estimated processing times.
Steps for Procuring Potable Water for Projects OUTSIDE Seeley's Service Area 
  1.  Contact Seeley County Water District (SCWD):
    1.  Reach out via phone or email.
  2. Complete and Return Application and Forms:
    • SCWD will send you forms. Fill them out and pay any associated fees.
  3. Board of Directors Approval:
    •  Your application and letter requesting temporary water service will presented at the next SCWD Board of Directors meeting.
  4.  LAFCO Approval:  
    • The SCWD Board application and approved letter will be submitted to LAFCO for their approval. LAFCO establishes the frequency or limit on how often a company can purchase water.
  5. Fee Payment:
    • Pay all required fees to SCWD and LAFCO.
  6. Water Meter Installation:  
    • Once all approvals and fees are settled, the Administrative General Manager will authorize the installation of the water meter.


Usage and Billing

  •  $ Cost per 1,000 gallons.
  • Billing: Usage charges will be deducted from your water meter deposit. Any remaining balance will be refunded via check after the next Board meeting. In addition to usage charges, there is a monthly recurring fee for the meter while it is in use.
  • Anticipate a wait time of 2-4 weeks for processing. The exact duration depends on when the application was submitted to SCWD.